May 20, 2014

Photo: Slavko Midžor/PIXSELL

Croatian company HG Spot, an IT equipment and consumer electronics manufacturer, will bring the first Croatian 3D printer 'Forcebook UltraPrint 3D' to the market on 22 May.

Saša Lončar, CEO of HG Spot said they started developing this printer about a year and half ago and have invested heavily in the design, development, quality control and testing. He said they found the foreign brands were too expensive for the domestic market, therefore they decided to develop their own.

"We offer a product with local brand which has similar quality as foreign brands but the price is much cheaper," says Lončar.

He stated the Forcebook UltraPrint 3D is fully assembled device and was developed with help of its Chinese partner. The printer has the similar design as the Myriwell 3D printer from China, which exports mainly to the European market.

The Forcebook UltraPrint 3D printer features 225 mm x 145 mm x 150 mm build envelope, layer thickness of 0.15 mm - 0.4 mm, and 10 mm / s - 120 mm / s print speed. The printer will come with instructions in the Croatian language and one year warranty.

Forcebook UltraPrint 3D is priced at HRK 6,999 / USD1260 / EUR 920 ( VAT included) and can be found on HG Spot webshop and all HG Spot stores. HG Spot plans to sell at least 200 units of 'Forcebook UltraPrint 3D' by the end of this year.




Posted in 3D Printers


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Lander wrote at 7/17/2015 12:35:25 AM:

Looks like a storage box from Ikea and I bet using it for that serves better than 3d printing with it. If people want a cheaper Chinese 3d printer they should buy one by all means, but this style of business is repulsing. 3D printing started so nice with reprap and collaboration now we see lawsuits and misconduct all over. I guess everybody wants a piece of 3d printing industry :(

3DGuy wrote at 5/21/2014 6:46:00 AM:

This is the Chinese myriwell 3D printer. You can buy it online for 500 dollar. It is a piece of crap

jd90 wrote at 5/21/2014 12:45:25 AM:

My bet is that the only thing Croatian about this printer is the localization (language). There are no visible changes that I can see. The specs are identical. OK, the colors are changed, big whoop. This is called badge engineering.

Arquit wrote at 5/20/2014 12:51:52 PM:

920€???? I think you have much better options for that price, even abroad including shipping...

Chopmeister wrote at 5/20/2014 11:04:26 AM:

It's not "similar" to the Chinese printer. It is the very same Chinese printer. But for 120 Euro more. This is hardly newsworthy, and being from Croatia I strongly resent this being published in the context of "first Croatian printer" there's nothing first nor Croatian about this. Just a company reselling Chinese stuff at a higher price, trying to rip off people with a crappy printer while the hype is still on.

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