Mar 29, 2017 | By Benedict

Stereolithography (SLA) and digital light processing (DLP) resin 3D printers are no longer just for the super rich. Here are three resin 3D printers you can secure on Kickstarter right now, all of which cost less than $2,000.

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is still seen as the go-to 3D printing technique for the general user. It’s cheap, its 3D printing filament is easy to find, and there’s a gigantic online community of FDM users willing to help you out with any problems you run into. But there’s a new kid on the block. Once seen as a 3D printing process for businesses and industrial users only, resin 3D printing—where liquid resin is hardened into 3D shapes with a powerful light source—is becoming more common, more accessible, and—crucially—more affordable.

The emergence of resin 3D printing as a consumer-level phenomenon is partly thanks to the work of companies like Formlabs and XYZprinting, companies who have put out high-quality resin 3D printers in recent years to rival the machines of established brands like 3D Systems. While these newer printers will set you back more than, say, a RepRap, they are still affordable for individuals who are serious about 3D printing. Luckily for us, the next generation of resin 3D printer could be even more attainable.

For startups and independent businesses, crowdfunding is still the number one means of getting a new 3D printer into the hands of customers. Formlabs did it, raising almost $3 million in backing for the Form 1, and now other resin 3D printing companies are looking to generate their own buzz through such platforms. It is possible that none will match Formlabs’ achievements, but crowdfunding remains a relatively safe distribution method for companies, as well as a good way for customers to get a great deal on a brand new 3D printer.

2017 is sure to see a number of resin 3D printers available on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, but here are three SLA/DLP 3D printers, all available for less than $2,000, that you can pledge to buy right now:

Resin 3D Printer #1: D2K Plus

Company: SH IP

Minimum Price: $1,625

Goal: $9,000

Pledged: $11,390

Days to go: 9

What is it?

A UV-LED DLP 3D printer with a 198 x 120 x 150 mm build volume, 2K resolution, and layer thicknesses of 20-100 microns. The 3D printer is larger than the D2K Illuminate from last year, and uses a UV405nm LED bulb to cure the 3D printing resin.

Should I back it?

The Hong Kong-based company behind the D2K Plus cites a successful Kickstarter campaign in late 2016 as reason to have faith in the new 3D printer and campaign. A somewhat anonymous creator and a link to a seemingly defunct website inspire less confidence, however.

Find the Kickstarter here.

Resin 3D Printer #2: Mono1

Company: MonoPrinter

Minimum Price: $749 (no projector)

Goal: $30,000

Pledged: $3,443

Days to go: 25

What is it?

A budget resin 3D printer that is compatible with existing projectors like the Optoma HD37 and E416. The printer claims to offer an in-plane resolution of 24, 33, and 46 microns, a build volume of 96 x 56 x 130 mm, and layer thicknesses as low as 5 microns.

Should I back it?

If you already have your own projector, the Mono1 could be an affordable way to turn it into a resin 3D printer. Will it work? Well, it’s Boston-based startup MonoPrinter’s first machine, but with a range of pledge options, and not a huge price tag, it could be worth a shot. At this stage, it’s hard to predict whether the project will reach it’s target.

Find the Kickstarter here.

Resin 3D Printer #3: Moai

Company: Peopoly

Minimum Price: $900

Goal: $30,000

Pledged: $65,571

Days to go: 25

What is it?

An SLA 3D printer with a 70-micron laser spot, G-code printing, and high resin compatibility. Unusually for an SLA 3D printer, the Moai isn’t colored orange, but in every other respect the 3D printer looks the business. Resin is cured with a 150 mW Moai laser, which Peopoly says can achieve incredible sharpness. See our full article on the Moai 3D printer.

Should I back it?

Crowdfunding is crowdfunding—some projects come out on top, some crash and burn. At the end of the day, however, $900 for a laser-equipped resin 3D printer looks like excellent value for money.  Peopoly is a startup founded by Mark Peng, and this project has a community-focused feel to it.

Find the Kickstarter here.



Posted in 3D Printer



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Bryan wrote at 3/30/2017 7:57:44 PM:

I looked at the moai printer yesterday after I saw the article on here and the lowest price was 1250.

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